Woohoo! You're in! 🎉

And you're totally awesome.  *emphatic nod* 

While I'm over here doing my happy dance and celebrating you for joining the 5-day Ecommerce Email Crash Course...

Your first lesson is currently stuck in email limbo. 

And while I hate to ask you to do any extra work, I'm big on honoring your privacy and making sure you really want to hear from me. 

So, before I send you lesson 1 (and we embark on this exciting journey together)...

Please do the following 3 things:

Current Progress
Current Progress
Current Progress
Current Progress

Step 1.

Check your email inbox 

Go to the inbox of the email address you just used to sign up for the course.

Step 2.

Open your confirmation email

This is the least exciting part of it all, I know. But I'd never want to be sending you emails you don't really want in your life. 

Step 3.

Once you click the confirmation link...

Look out for your welcome email. It will be sent by "Ralitsa Minkova" with the subject line "[EECC] You're in! 🙌".  Usually arrives within 5 mins or less.