Looking for a quick and easy way to boost your conversions?

Sometimes, all you need is clarity. And to get an expert pair of eyes on your messaging. Or hire a strategic brain to help you set course for email greatness (and customer delight!) 

If you're searching for a magical shortcut to more revenue...

Sadly, I can't promise you that.

The magic I can offer you, though, is tied to your messaging.

And it comes down to putting in the effort, care, and commitment to understanding your business and your unique needs.

So I can offer you the service experience and undivided attention you deserve, all while helping you get closer to your goals.

Because to me, you're not just another name I add to my client roster. 

From the moment you decide to work with me, I become your partner, who leads with your best interest in mind.

No matter if this is for a short week or 6+ months.

And if you're up for it, here are the fast-track ways I can help:

Conversion-focused Website AUdit

Websites can be tough to optimize when you don't know what's working or what's lacking in terms of messaging AND user experience. So before you invest in a full-blown revamp, make sure you know what you're optimizing for.

Get an in-depth audit of 3 critical pages of your website, with UX and conversion-focused recommendations for a smoother, more user-friendly web experience. 

Each audit comes with a detailed report, one new (or optimized) critical copy section, and a 30-min live Q&A.

Ideal for: websites that could use strategic optimization or a clearly laid out plan before going all in on a revamp

Price: $997 (for 3 key pages)

Delivery: in one week

graphic for email audit service
Lifecycle Email Sequence Audit

If you have an onboarding, welcome, or post-purchase email sequence that’s underperforming and isn't bringing in the conversions you were hoping for, this email audit is for you. 

You'll get personalized recommendations based on user experience and conversion principles. Each email will be annotated, so you know what to double down on or improve for a conversion-focused makeover and some quick wins.

This is also one of the best ways to get a sense of how I work and think about the overall strategy and messaging.

Ideal for: any under-performing, existing email sequence

Price: $1,497 (for up to 10 emails)

Delivery: in one week

profitable Email Sequence intensive

If you want to give your most important, money-making email sequence a conversion-focused uplift but don't have a conversion copywriter on your team... this is for you. 

Get one key lifecycle email sequence with on-brand, empathy-driven messaging based on already available VOC (Voice-of-Customer) data, conversion copywriting best practices, and key UX principles baked into each email.

Delivered with a detailed email sequence map, segmentation notes, email wireframes, and a handoff doc for your design team. Comes with 2 weeks of email support post-delivery. 

Ideal for: behavior-based lifecycle email sequences (e.g. welcome, onboarding, abandoned cart, post-purchase, winback, replenishment, discount offer. etc.)

Price: $4,497 (per email sequence)

Delivery: in 4 weeks (from kick-off call)

graphic for email sequence intensive

If there was a fast lane to working with me... this would be it.

Thing is, I want to make sure that what you're interested in is exactly what you need to conquer those goals and make the next chapter of your business epic.

So there are 3 simple (but super important) steps to do that:


Let's hop on a quick call

We’ll chat about your biggest challenge and what you're trying to improve. I’ll tell you what’s included and the process I follow, so you know exactly what to expect.


Are we a great fit?

Ask me anything you’re not sure about. The goal is for you to leave our call feeling confident that we are a great fit and that you’ll get exactly what you need and are looking for.


Be open to honesty

If a service isn't the best fit for your business, I’ll be first to tell you. But if it is, all you need to get started is to complete checkout, and let me handle the rest.

Here's what you can expect when you decide to work with me

Ralitsa is a highly-skilled conversion copywriter; someone who thinks with her brain and consults with her heart. I feel lucky and blessed to have had the opportunity to benefit from her level of mastery and craftsmanship.

She is meticulous, organised, dedicated, and ridiculously easy to work with. Some of the best qualities you could find in a seasoned professional. She is also incredibly kind and patient with her clients.

I absolutely love how quickly she’s able to roll up her sleeves, get deep into a complex project, understand it thoroughly from all angles, and advise the best steps to achieve ambitious goals.

She performs her research and copywriting duties with surgical precision, which makes her deliverables worth 10x more than what she charges for.

Rohan Chandrashekhar

Managing partner at buzzvalve.com

Think you may need some ongoing strategic support instead of a quick, one-time engagement?

Check out my process to get a better sense of what you can expect when you partner up with me for email strategy and conversion copywriting. Or drop me a line and let's get the conversation started!